This is going to be different from all other posts and it is kind of a downer.
I'm not even sure where to start because my heart is so weighed down from recent events. I'm in a serious relationship. We dated long distance about five years and then I moved from Texas to Ohio to be with him. In February it will be the two year anniversary of my move.
Things have been good. I have always believed that our relationship was different. For the most part there was very little disagreements and we trusted each other. My boyfriend works at a pharmacy (at the corner of happy and healthy.) About a year ago I told him that one of his co-workers made me uncomfortable. I have never been a jealous girlfriend but something about this 20 year old girl made me uncomfortable. She was way too "chummy" with my boyfriend. She would send him texts that were not work related but they seemed harmless. Nonetheless, I told him I wanted that to stop. I still trusted him. I just didn't like it and I wanted it to stop. She moved away to North Carolina to move in with some guy she had just met through a friend. She was STILL texting my boyfriend. I continued saying that I was not comfortable with it. She got pregnant, her boyfriend cheated on her, she moved back here.
During this period while she was back she returned to the store where my boyfriend works. She would send him pregnancy updates, sonogram pictures, random texts. One of those being a string of emoji's. The last one being the kissy face. I'm not 11, so this shouldn't have upset me. But boy did that raise a red flag. I called him out on it and he said she probably accidentally sent it. And he had done nothing wrong at this point that I knew of. So I trusted him. She had her baby, went on maternity leave, returned but was moved to a different store because his store no longer had that opening.
She was still texting him. He would say she was asking work related questions but it didn't make sense because they no longer worked at the same store. Call me naive but I believed him. I had no reason to think otherwise. But I still asked him to end communication. My heart and gut didn't feel right about the whole thing.
Then about a month ago my boyfriend was in the bathroom. He had left his phone out and I heard a ping. I thought it was his phone and I figured I would check it in case it was someone from his family needing something. We all live within a five minute radius of each other so we typically see each other several times a week. I didn't see any notifications but I still had this feeling that I needed to check his messages. And sure enough she was one of the recent conversations.
I opened up the conversation. And my heart sank. Messages that went back so far that I never did read them all. Very suggestive flirting. Texts where she would say something about me and he would ignore it. The kind of fun sexy texts that a new couple would be sending to each other. The rest of that night is a blur. I yelled an awful cuss word down the hallway and started lacing up my shoes and trying to find my coat. He ran out of the bathroom looking like he had seen a ghost. He kept saying, "baby what's wrong?" I couldn't think straight I just kept repeating, "I'm done" and "I ******* knew it." I can't remember if I even had to accuse him or if he just knew what I was talking about because he kept trying to hold me. He kept saying it meant nothing. He kept trying to keep me from leaving. I had to get away from him.
I walked out. He tried blocking me from closing my car door and I told him I had to go. What I did after that I'm not ready to talk about. Nothing crazy, just those 45 minutes are probably something I will keep to myself. I returned home trying to stay calm. I wanted answers and I knew if I came in guns ablazing I would not receive them. I made him give me his phone so I could read more. I couldn't stomach it. It made me physically ill.
His excuse was that she was in a really dark place and he was just trying to make her feel better.
He stuck to that story. He said she needed the attention and needed to be told how hot she was constantly.
I still don't know why he did it.
I still don't know why he let someone get between us.
I am being completely honest when I say that I don't remember the rest of that night. It's completely blank in my mind.
The next day I had a twelve hour shift. We talked through text all day. I asked him to end things with her. He sent her a text explaining that he was choosing me and to not contact him again. She responded with, "Whatever, It's not like I had ******* feelings for you. I just needed a friend." To this day I'm not sure she knows what a friend is.
I am choosing to forgive him because I have been forgiven. I am redeemed through the blood of Christ and I will use this pain for God's glory. Please remember that this is MY STORY. I am not saying that this is the course of action that anybody else should take. But right now I am choosing to move forward with the man that I am in love with.
But that brings me here. I have chosen to share this because my heart is still very broken. I am casting out a net to try and find a support group. I have forgiven but I can't seem to keep my mind from replaying their messages in my head 24/7. It is CONSTANT. It is unbearable. I am trying so hard to not make jabs at him. I am trying desperately to act like nothing ever happened. I am making myself sick.
I know that Satan is at work here. He is attacking me through the person I love the most. Satan is real and he is very active. If you're reading this please pray for me and my boyfriend. Please pray for the woman who came between us. Please pray that I can forgive her as well. I don't want this to change who I am. I don't want this to make me bitter and untrusting. I never wanted this to be a part of my testimony. But it is.
Thank you for reading my story if you've made it this far. Please be kind in the comments if you feel compelled to leave something.
I'm not sure how much more I will go into detail. I've heard from other people who have been in this situation that journaling is very therapeutic. I am debating using this blog or actually writing my feelings out. Any suggestions are welcome. Again, thank you for reading.